S & E Consultants Services

We are dedicated to working hard so, that you receive the maximum tax return

What We Do


Tax Preparation & Solutions Services

Our professional tax preparation staff offers an excellent variety of tax preparation services — tailored to dealing with individual and business bad taxes, non-filed taxes, credit scores, and much more. We can also help with IRS resolution tasks, offering great ways to help you deal with all your tax-related problems. We can provide you with all the financial information, file all your taxes, and give you good advice on how to manage your taxes in the short and long run. We work on personal taxes and with the accounting departments of various businesses. We guarantee excellent results.


Debt Elimination

Are you tired of drowning in debt? Can’t get approved for that loan? Pay off any mortgage, loan, credit card, or debt of any kind in as little as ½ to ⅓ of the remaining payoff time. You can use our Money Max program without refinancing your mortgage, nor will you need to get another job to earn extra income, or to qualify for a new loan. With Money Max, you will potentially save thousands of dollars.


Financial Coaching and Estate Planning

Our legal service provides affordable legal coverage for individuals, families and small businesses. We offer plans that include Estate Planning, Renters Protection, Landlord Protection, and Family Law just to name a few. Also, all of our programs are available to you if you would like to earn extra income to your wallet.

Why Choose Us

Accurate Record Keeping and Professional

Taxes Can Be Taxing

Everthing that be made easier with a tax professional

We'll Manage The Finances

So that you can manage your life and your business

24/7 Availability

We make you a priority so we will always be available to you


What My Clients Say?

I went with SNECS Tax Services, for the first time after being with another tax preparer for over 8 years, and I must say, I'm fully satisfied with my outcome and their services. The staff was very professional, knowledgeable, and polite within the practice. I'm looking forward to returning to SNECS Tax Services again next year!🙂
Verified Client